Friday, October 7, 2011

To My BFF For Her Birthday :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!  (Editor's note: Obviously this post was supposed to be posted yesterday but due to me being an idiot and thinking I had already posted it, up it goes now!)

Today (now yesterday) my number one betch turned 22!!  As much as I wish we could be together to celebrate, it would be difficult for us to top last year's birthday shenanigans which included a casual win of Roggie's Wednesday night trivia.  Don't worry Kate, I am going to figure out how to make a birthday cake shot and I will see that you take one when we are reunited ;)

So, in honor of Kate's birthday, I'm obviously going to embarrass her with a mushy post about how wonderful she is.  Kate has been my best friend for a long time now and I can't believe how grown up we are!  This time last year we were three days from the LSAT (or was it the PSAT?), panicking over where we were going to law school, and drowning our stress/celebrating life at Cityside on our Wednesday Friendsdays (three is too many!)

At the Boston Ballet to see the Nutcracker last winter!

I can't even begin to explain why I'm so lucky to have Kate as my BFF.  She's my sounding board for decisions big and small, from where to go to law school to what dress to wear to commencement ball.  We are always on the same page and can always count on each other whether we want to shop, rant, cry, or share something completely random or hilarious.  She can always make me laugh and I have yet to meet someone else whose sense of humor is so perfectly compatible with mine.

I don't like that we are apart but honestly, except for the fact that I haven't actually seen you in person in a few weeks, it feels like nothing's changed...because soul sisters aren't affected by geographical distance.

Love you babe.  Happy birthday!!!  I miss you so much, I can't wait to get brunch and a pitcher of mimosas (do they even come in pitchers?) when I come home...we've got to make up for some lost time.


P.S. I have to include this quote (obviously stolen from Kate) that I think sums up fairly accurately the basis of our friendship:
"Most people are brought up to believe they are as good as the person next to them.  I was told I was better."

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